Our Christmas Series begins with a 90s classic: Hook has a combination of premise, cast, and crew that would inspire a movie executive to hand over blank check: A sequel to Peter Pan, with Robin Williams as an adult version of the character. Dustin Hoffman as an aging Captain Hook, and Julia Roberts as TInkerbell. A three actors are the prime of their careers and popularity here.
First act of the film has Williams as Peter Banning, a 40ish career-driven yuppie who barely has time for his wife and two kids. They venture to London over Christmas holiday to see his caretaker Wendy (Maggie Smith). During this trip, Banning’s kids are kidnapped, and Wendy drops a bomb: She is the Wendy from J.M. Barrie’s Peter Pan series, and he is the title character. Captain Hook has kidnapped his children and demands a rematch.
The second act of the film has Peter venturing to Never Land, where he must rediscover his youth, and relearn to fly, fight, and crow. The final act is, of course, the battle between Pan and Hook.