Adaptation depicts a fictionalized version of screenwriter Charlie Kaufman (Being John Malkovich, Eternal Sunshine), and his struggles with writer’s block in adapting the Orchid Thief, by Susan Orlean—played here by Meryl Streep. Orlean’s prose is wandering, and there isn’t a narrative through line that Kaufman can translate into a coherent, marketable film. Meanwhile, Kaufman’s oblivious, good-humored twin Donald wants to break into the screenwriting business. While Charlie is a naturally gifted writer, albeit beset with insecurities, his brother Donald is a clear hack who relies on formulaic structure—a la Bob McKee and Sid Field—to simply make money. (This depicts this real struggle of every writing, to balance artistic integrity with the desire to make money and…keep food in the fridge.) As Charlie winds through Orlean’s twisted novel, he gets more engrossed in Orlean and her subject, the eccentric orchid poacher John Laroche (played by Chris Cooper, in an Oscar winning performance). This building obsession will draw him closer to his subjects, ultimately to a dangerous degree for everyone involved.
Dazzlingly funny drama walks a fine line between indulgent and clever (a fact Kaufman openly acknowledges). He gently satirizes the hackery of Bob McKee (played here by Brian Cox) and Syd Field, who want to reduce screenwriting to simple paint by numbers, and also Hollywood’s almost fatal need to juice up every story with sex and violence to make it palatable. Then Kaufman has the movie deliberately step into both traps. Cage is phenomenal, as is Streep. It’s no mistake all the leads were nominated for Oscars. This is Charlie Kaufman in peak form (he would be nominated for an Oscar, he would eventually win the award for Eternal Sunshine). 8.5/10